The rapper was musical guest on Saturday’s episode hosted by “Promising Young Woman” actress Carey Mulligan, performing songs “Tequila Shots” and “Sad People” from his latest album “Man on the Moon III: The Chosen.”
Cudi wore a cardigan and T-shirt emblazoned with a picture of late “SNL” cast member Chris Farley for his performance of “Tequila Shots.” And for “Sad People,” he changed into a white spaghetti-strap floral dress, which he paired with a chunky skeleton necklace. He ended the performance with a smile and a curtsy.
“Sensing a pattern here,” one Twitter user wrote, sharing side-by-side pictures of both Cobain and Cudi.
Another Twitter user pointed out the anniversary of Cobain’s death this past week. The grunge icon died by suicide at age 27 on April 5, 1994.
“Kid Cudi pulling the ultimate Kurt Cobain tribute on #SNL on the week of this death,” @DArmstrong44 wrote. “@KidCudi all about love and suicide prevention and awareness!!!”
Along with his musical performances Saturday, Cudi also stepped in for a sketch with “SNL” cast members Pete Davidson and Chris Redd parodying their love of flutes. “I love that weird little flute,” they sang in the rap number, which featured an appearance from actor Timothée Chalamet, who hosted “SNL” last December.