Pavel Durov, CEO of the messaging app Telegram, has been arrested in France. The arrest, based on a warrant related to alleged offenses involving Telegram, centers on accusations of insufficient moderation and failure to address criminal uses of the platform. Telegram has stated that it is “absurd” to hold a platform or its owner responsible for misuse.
Who is Pavel Durov?
Pavel Durov, 39, is a billionaire originally from Russia. He founded VKontakte, a popular Russian social media site, before leaving Russia in 2014 due to government demands to shut down opposition groups. In 2013, he launched Telegram and now operates the company from Dubai, where he resides. Durov holds citizenship in both the UAE and France, though Russia still considers him a citizen. He frequently travels across Europe and has publicly stated he would resist requests to remove content that he believes infringes on free speech.
What is Telegram?
Telegram is a major social media and messaging platform, joining the ranks of Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok, and WeChat. As of July, Durov claimed it had 950 million monthly active users, with significant popularity in Russia, Ukraine, and among pro-democracy groups in Iran and Hong Kong. Telegram offers encryption for messages, though it is not the default setting, and supports large group sizes of up to 200,000 members, unlike WhatsApp’s limit of 1,000. This has led to criticism that disinformation and harmful content can spread more easily on Telegram.
The app has faced scrutiny for alleged failures in cooperating with law enforcement on issues like drug trafficking, child abuse, and fraud. In the UK, it has been criticized for hosting far-right channels linked to recent violent incidents. Telegram claims its moderation meets industry standards and complies with EU regulations, including the Digital Services Act.
Reactions to Durov’s Arrest
The exact charges against Durov are still unclear, but his arrest marks a rare instance of a social media or messaging platform owner being detained over content issues. Elon Musk has shown support for Durov, posting #FreePavel on X, while Edward Snowden condemned the arrest as an infringement on fundamental human rights and criticized French President Emmanuel Macron for allegedly using the situation to gain access to private communications.