Ram Madhav, the leader of the RSS, announced on Thursday that India is on track to surpass Indonesia as the nation with the largest Muslim population. He also said that India celebrates diversity and welcomes those who are persecuted around the world to its shores.
He was addressing Religion 20 (R20), an international gathering of religious leaders that was taking place concurrently with the G20 meeting, which was this year hosted by Indonesia. According to Mr. Madhav, India plans to host the R-20 in addition to the G20 next year when it holds the G20 presidency.
In India, there are 25 million Christians and 180 million Muslims. According to projections, India will have 310 million Muslims by the end of 2050, making it the country with the largest Muslim population in the world. Mr. Madhav made this statement on the final day of the summit in Bali.
The RSS official emphasised that India is a nation that embraces variety rather than just tolerating or respecting it, pointing out that Indian Muslims have served as President, Vice President, and Chief Justice. According to him, India has the utmost respect for all religions and ethnicities.
He praised the effort and described the summit as “major” and “unique,” saying that it had released a tectonic force by bringing together the heads of all significant world religions to discuss the crucial concerns of the 21st century.
Mr. Madhav also emphasised that we are entering an era of artificial intelligence, where computers are already being created that are smarter than people.
The idea that today’s robots have their minds and will eventually have their awareness is being discussed in the psychiatric community. Will they begin to weep, or will they begin to react to things? Please don’t discount the possibility that mankind could create devils, despite how crazy it may sound now. “That kind of period is beginning,” he continued.
“We are currently fighting among ourselves. There are no philosophers because of this. The many religions are at odds. This is the reason why the new popes of the globe are politicians, economists, and technocrats. “We ought to be considering this significant challenge right now,” he continued.